How many times have you seen lost people in the gym going from machine to machine without rhyme or reason? As in all areas of our lives, being clear about our goal when training can bring us very close to our goals.
Knowing what we want to achieve exactly, for what purpose and in how long are parameters that we must set when we set ourselves goals to achieve, both in our personal lives and in sports. What, why, why, how and when are the key words that we must use to be clear about our objective: if we know how to answer these questions concretely, our dreams will be a little closer. Do you want some tricks?
Our objective must have two essential characteristics: the first is that it must be a real or realistic objective. Real in the sense that it has to be achievable. For example, a real goal is to lose two or three kilos in a month; however, wanting to lose five kilos in a week is dangerous as well as quite unfeasible under normal conditions.
The other characteristic of our objective is that it must be measurable, that is, that we must be able to know concretely whether we have achieved it or not. I explain: «I want to lose weight» is not a well-planned goal oxandrolone pas cher. How much do you want to lose weight? In how much time? «I want to lose two kilos in a month» is an objective that you can check if you have reached: you can weigh yourself with a scale and count the passage of time. «I want to lift 50 kilos on the bench press» is also worth it, because we can see our progress and know when we have reached our goal.
Setting a deadline can help us in our motivation to reach the goal, although it can also become a double-edged sword. Let’s imagine that our objective is to run the San Silvestre for the first time this year, without ever having gone running: by now we should have started training, but we see that time is upon us and we decided that from 26 In December we will run 10 kilometers every day to prepare for the race. You can imagine that the result of this is brutal overtraining and surely some injury.
The deadlines should serve us to plan everything else around them: in the case of sport we will have to plan training, breaks, meals, materials … They should not be overwhelming, but they should give us a feeling of «obligation» that will help us comply with our objetive.
In addition, there are other small tricks that we can use to keep our objective in mind and not get lost along the way, such as creating a mental image of ourselves with the objective achieved: remember that an image is worth a thousand words, and visualizing ourselves as winners will make us be one step closer to victory.
Having our objective written in our own hand and clearly visible in our environment (at home, in our workplace) is another factor to consider: when writing what we want to achieve we make this a more formal commitment, and thus way we are responsible for achieving it.
Recording our progress from time to time and on a regular basis is also a good way to stay true to our goal and see our progress. eye! It is not necessary (and can even be counterproductive) to check our progress every day: once a week will be more than enough.
I hope these tips are helpful when setting your goals and achieving them: what goals have you set for the new year?